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443 Products
A graceful, slow growing, durable, long lived and refined prairie grass producing mounds of mid green foliage topped with very graceful airy heads of flower opening darkish pink, fading silver during high summer. Good autumnal tints. Sunny open spot. Most soils except wet. Height; 70cm – 90cm.
An excellent compact selection of Stachys officinalis forming clumps of bright green leaves, from which come spikes of distinctive pinkish purple flowers during summer. Especially popular with pollinators. Best in open sunny condition with soil not too wet. Height 40cm – 60cm.
Also known as Betonica Hummelo.
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£12.55An excellent compact selection of Stachys officinalis forming clumps of bright green leaves, from which come spikes of distinctive pinkish purple flowers during summer. Especially popular with pollinators. Best in open sunny condition with soil not too wet. Height 40cm – 60cm.
Also known as Betonica Hummelo.
A lovely selection of Stachys officinalis forming clumps of bright green leaves, from which come spikes of bright cotton candy pink flowers during summer. Especially popular with pollinators. Best in open sunny condition with soil not too wet. Height 50cm – 70cm.
Also known as Betonica Pink Cotton Candy.
A Knoll Gardens selection of Stachys officinalis and named for its distinctive soft pinkish white flowers that are highlighted with purplish mauve streaking. Like all stachys, White Lightning is very popular with pollinators. Best in open sunny conditions. Soil not too wet. Height 40cm – 60cm.
Also known as Betonica White Lightning.