
Eutrochium, previously known as Eupatorium, the Joe Pye Weed are a group of large, always impressive plants offering significant domed heads of individually tiny flowers arising from strong stems during summer. Sunny open aspect. Very happy in damp, but will tolerate much drier conditions.

4 Products

  • £12.55

    Superb plant with tall, often reddish stems and large flat domed heads of rosy purple flowers during high summer. Beloved by bees butterflies and many other pollinators. Best in sunny position. Soil not too dry. Height 1.8m – 2.1m.

    Also known as Eutrochium maculatum Atropurpureum Group.

  • £13.55

    A noticeably more compact form of Joe Pyweed with the usual domed heads of rosy purple flowers during high summer. Best in sunny position. Luxuriant with some moisture. Height 1.5m – 1.8m.

  • £13.55

    Looking great in our Long Walk borders this selection is perhaps a little shorter than most but with all the character and butterfly power! Best in sunny spot. Average to moist soil. Height 1.5m – 1.8m.

  • £13.55

    Beautiful, slightly more compact form of Joe Pye Weed with dark stems and large heads of purple flowers in summer. Magnificent large perennial that is always popular with pollinators. Best in sunny open position. Soil not too dry. Height 1.8m – 2.1m.

    Also known as Eutrochium Riesenschirm.