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    Peruvian feather grass. Mounds of narrow hair like bright green foliage are topped with long shimmering silvery white panicles of flower during summer. Needs sunny well drained spot. Soil not too wet. Not for coldest areas. Height; 70cm-90cm.

    Also known as Stipa ichu.

  • £12.55

    Grown primarily for its superb sea green to waxy grey blue foliage from which arise sporadic stems of yellow & salmon red flowers in summer. Makes large clumps. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height 70cm – 90cm.

  • £8.99

    Distinctively coloured poker having tawny brown buds opening cream on bronzed stems above good clumps of green foliage. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height 1m-1.2m.

  • £12.99

    A native beach grass of coastal sand dunes making tough spreading mounds of relatively wide strap like blue grey foliage which is occasionally topped with tall wheat like flowers. Needs a sunny well drained position spot with soil not too winter wet. Height 90cm – 1.2m.

  • £12.99

    Recent relatively hardy selection of sea lavender forming rosettes of wide glaucous green leaves topped by airy branched spikes of lavender mauve flowers during summer. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height 30cm – 45cm

  • £8.99

    A very beautiful grass forming distinctive mounds of steely blue narrow foliage from which comes a succession of most delicate looking silvery blue flowerheads during summer. Foliage tends to turn green with low sunlight. Sunny open spot. Soil not wet. Height; 1m – 1.2m or up to 1.5m if uncut.

  • £12.99

    A very beautiful grass forming distinctive mounds of steely blue narrow foliage from which comes a succession of most delicate looking silvery blue flowerheads during summer. Foliage tends to turn green with low sunlight. Sunny open spot. Soil not wet. Height; 1m – 1.2m or up to 1.5m if uncut.

  • £12.99

    Makes clumps of green iris like foliage from which arise spikes of attractive blush white flowers from later summer onwards. Sunny open position. Soil not too wet. Height 40cm – 60cm.

  • £8.99

    Distinct mounds of lighter green to pale yellow foliage are topped by freely produced creamy white flowers on dainty stems. Happy in full sun or light shade in a variety of soils but not too wet. Height; 40cm – 60cm.

  • £8.99

    Distinctive mounds of yellowish almost chartreuse semi evergreen foliage which is topped by freely produced creamy white flowers in summer. Makes excellent cover and a base through which to grow other plants. Happy in full sun or light shade in a variety of soils but not too wet. Height; 40cm – 60cm.

  • £12.99

    Distinctive mounds of yellowish almost chartreuse semi evergreen foliage which is topped by freely produced creamy white flowers in summer. Makes excellent cover and a base through which to grow other plants. Happy in full sun or light shade in a variety of soils but not too wet. Height; 40cm – 60cm.

  • Sale
    Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £6.75.

    A superb hybrid selection forming mounds of bright green foliage and topped with dainty looking soft white flowers during summer. Adaptable and beautiful. Happy in full sun or light shade in a variety of soils but not too wet. Height; 30cm – 50cm.