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A new and rather distinctive selection from Knoll Gardens having tall strongly upright stems which produce flower buds reminiscent of spear heads until they burst into bright red inflorescences that remain pointing skyward. This plant arose as a seedling in the garden, close to Miscanthus Malepartus , and offers elegant flowers that are held well clear of the foliage. Sunny open position. Most soils except wet. Height; 1.8m – 2.1 m.
As with other Knoll Gardens selections Miscanthus Red Spear has been undergoing trials both in the garden and on the nursery for almost fifteen years. Red Spear was first spotted as a seedling in the garden, growing close to Miscanthus Malepartus, and was selected for its bright red upright facing buds and flowers that even as a young plant were held well clear of the foliage. When large enough that original seedling was lifted and split to make several small plants that were then grown on in our nursery trial area for a few seasons to see how they developed. Once we had sufficient stock some were planted back into the garden in the Long Walk borders where it has since provided a wonderful display of clear red buds and flowers every year whatever the weather. Proving itself a thoroughly reliable performer for our UK climate.