Damp Soil in Sun

74 Products

  • £13.99

    Beautiful selection of  Joe Pye Weed, Eupatorium maculatum, with dark stems and large heads of purple flowers in summer. Magnificent large perennial that is always popular with pollinators. Best in sunny open position. Average to moist soil. Height 1.8m – 2.1m.

    Also known as Eutrochium Riesenschirm.

  • £8.99

    Mounds of upright green foliage & spectacular heads of bright yellow flowers in spring. Can offer pink stems and tinted foliage during autumn. Sun or light shade. Height 90cm – 1.2m. Harmful if eaten/skin & eye irritant.

  • £12.55

    Gradually spreading clumps produce imposing tall stems clothed with vine like foliage and which are topped with large pink fluffy flowers in summer. Sun or light shade. Soil not too dry. Height 1.7m – 2m.

  • £12.55

    Superb foliage plant forming clumps of the most striking white striped flat bladed leaves that are especially vibrant in spring. Sumptuous looking velvety purple flowers are produced during early summer as the brightness of the spring foliage fades. Best in sun or a little light shade. Soil not too dry. Height 70cm – 90cm.

    Harmful if eaten.

  • £12.55

    A long established and very beautiful selection of Iris x robusta that forms clumps of green leaved which are distinctively purple stained at the base during spring. Dainty spikes of complex blue toned flowers are produced during early summer. Best in sunny open spot. Happy in average to heavy and wet soils, and will grow as a pond side marginal. Height 70cm – 90cm.

    Harmful if eaten.

  • Out of Stock

    Selected form of Juncus patens forming gradually spreading clumps of greyish blue upright stems and typical brown rush like insignificant flowers. Best foliage colour in sun. Happy in damp to wet soils but will tolerate reasonably dry. Height; 40cm – 50cm.

  • £12.99

    The European native snowy wood rush is an introduced species to the UK. Slowly increasing mounds of hairy wide green leaves and dense clusters of early season arching white flowers. Very effective en masse. Ideal in partial shade, wet to reasonably dry soils, but will take sun if not too dry. Height; 50cm – 60cm.

  • £12.99

    A Knoll Gardens selection of the European native snowy wood rush, Luzula nivea, which is an introduced species to the UK and was chosen for its sparkling bright white flowers. Snowflake produces slowly increasing mounds of hairy wide green leaves and dense clusters of early season bright white flowers. Very effective en masse. Ideal in partial shade, wet or reasonably dry soils, but will take sun if not too dry. Height; 50cm – 60cm.

  • £8.55

    Lovely form of purple loosestrife  with a generally upright habit and slender spires of a pale rose pink that flower from mid summer onwards. Popular pollinator. Sun or light shade. Average to moist soil. Height 1m-1.2m.

  • £12.99

    Lovely selection of the native tall purple moor grass, with tidy mounds of foliage topped by open and airy inflorescences all turning amazing oranges and yellows in autumn. Sunny open spot. Happy in average to heavy and wet soils. Height; 1.5m – 1.8m.

  • £12.55

    Selected at Knoll Gardens this beautiful form of native tall purple moor grass has light airy panicles of flower held clear above basal mounds of green foliage on gracefully arching stems. Stunning autumn colour from leaf and flowerstem. Sunny open spot. Happy in average to heavy and wet soils. Height; 1.8m – 2.1m.

  • £8.99

    Purple Moor Grass. British Native often found in moist places such as heaths & moors but very tolerant of much drier conditions. Clump forming mounds of basal foliage produce masses of narrow flower panicles that are held well above the foliage on slender stalks, and which can vary from very upright to distinctly arched. Best in sunny open positions. Will tolerate soils from dry to heavy and damp. Height; 70cm – 1.2m.