Taller Flowering

116 Products

  • £12.99

    Relatively compact mounds of neat green foliage are topped by many slightly pendulous heads of dark silvery red flowers that will fade with age from high summer onwards. Foliage can offer some nice autumnal colour. Sunny open spot. Most soils except wet. Height; 1.2m – 1.5m.

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    A new and rather distinctive selection from Knoll Gardens having tall strongly upright stems which produce flower buds reminiscent of spear heads until they burst into bright red inflorescences that remain pointing skyward. This plant arose as a seedling in the garden, close to Miscanthus Malepartus , and offers elegant flowers that are held well clear of the foliage. Sunny open position. Most soils except wet. Height; 1.8m – 2.1 m.

    As with other Knoll Gardens selections Miscanthus Red Spear has been undergoing trials both in the garden and on the nursery for almost fifteen years. Red Spear was first spotted as a seedling in the garden, growing close to Miscanthus Malepartus, and was selected for its bright red upright facing buds and flowers that even as a young plant were held well clear of the foliage. When large enough that original seedling was lifted and split to make several small plants that were then grown on in our nursery trial area for a few seasons to see how they developed. Once we had sufficient stock some were planted back into the garden in the Long Walk borders where it has since provided a wonderful display of clear red buds and flowers every year whatever the weather. Proving itself a thoroughly reliable performer for our UK climate.

  • £13.99

    A most lovely, tall and vigorous selection with elegant Rosi red flowers that turn a clear silvery white with age. Generally upright habit and good autumnal foliage. Sunny open position. Soil not too wet. Height 18.m – 2.1m.

  • £12.99

    Mounds of bright green leaves produce many fairly upright striking deep pinky red to silver flower plumes during high summer. Can offer orange & red autumnal tints. Sunny open spot. Most soils except wet. Height; 1.5m – 1.8m.

  • £12.99

    A long established selection having tall upright stems of deep green foliage with distinct silver midrib, and many large silvery buff pink flower plumes held clear above the leaves in late summer. Sunny open spot. Most soils except wet. Height; 1.8m – 2.1m.

  • £13.99

    Miscanthus Sunset is a new release for Autumn 2024 from Knoll Gardens and is an elegant selection from our trials of Miscanthus transmorrisonensis. Named for its tall stems and gently drooping flowers in varying  shades of soft satin pink that are held high above the foliage to give a light and airy appearance in spite of its height. The silver ribbed green foliage gradually turning a deepening mix of oranges and reds as the autumn draws to a close. Sunny open position. Soil not too winter wet. Height; 1.8 to 2.1metres.

  • £12.99

    Lovely selection of the native tall purple moor grass, with tidy mounds of foliage topped by open and airy inflorescences all turning amazing oranges and yellows in autumn. Sunny open spot. Happy in average to heavy and wet soils. Height; 1.5m – 1.8m.

  • £12.55

    Selected at Knoll Gardens this beautiful form of native tall purple moor grass has light airy panicles of flower held clear above basal mounds of green foliage on gracefully arching stems. Stunning autumn colour from leaf and flowerstem. Sunny open spot. Happy in average to heavy and wet soils. Height; 1.8m – 2.1m.

  • £12.99

    A long established selection of native tall purple moor grass with outstanding gently pendulous, initially green and purple, golden brown flower spikes turning a superb butter yellow colour in autumn. Sunny open spot. Average to wet soils. Height; 1.8m – 2.1m.

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    Distinctive selection of British native tall moor grass, Molinia arundinacea, Skyracer has a noticeably upright habit and is especially tall with foliage and flowerstems turning warm autumnal colours. Sunny open spot. Average to damp soils. Height; 2.1m – 2.4m.

  • £12.99

    An aptly named form of British native tall purple moor grass, Molinia arundinacea, forming clumps of broad strap like green foliage from which arise tall arching purplish plumes of airy well spaced flowerspikes which all turn a warm butter yellow in autumn. Sunny open spot. Average to damp soils. Height; 1.5m – 1.8m.

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    Strongly upright form of British native tall purple moor grass, Molinia arundinacea, with masses of comparatively slender flower panicles arising from clumps of green foliage. Beautiful autumn colours. Sunny open spot. Average to damp soils. Height; 2.1m – 2.4m.