
Festuca, the Fescues, are a wide ranging group, some short lived, of generally narrow foliaged grasses often grown for their coloured foliage though most will flower. Best in sunny open positions with average to well drained soils.

6 Products

  • £8.55

    Tufts of finely textured blue green foliage are topped with violet tinted purplish flowers during early summer. Flower stems often colour well as flower colour fades. Can be short lived (3 – 5 years). Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height; 40cm – 60cm.

  • £12.99

    Tufts of finely textured blue green foliage are topped with violet tinted purplish flowers during early summer. Flower stems often colour well as flower colour fades. Can be short lived (3 – 5 years). Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height; 40cm – 60cm.

  • £12.99

    A Knoll Gardens introduction, Festuca Blue Haze is a beautiful blue leaved selection from the native grass Festuca rubra, which produces slowly increasing mats of comparatively compact, bright powdery blue foliage. Especially vibrant when grown in pots and containers. Tends to be longer lived than other forms of blue Festuca. Shy flowering. Best in a sunny open position with a soil that is not winter wet. Height; 20 – 40cm.

  • Out of Stock

    Long established good blue leaved form of Festuca glauca. Striking blue foliage making characteristic spiky mounds with silver flowers held above the foliage. Occasional flowers. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Can be short lived (3 – 5 years). Height; 30cm – 40cm.

  • £12.99

    Dense clumps of flat green leaves with paler undersides carry airy violet tinged greenish yellow attractive flower spikes during early summer. Sunny well drained spot. Soil not too wet. Can be short lived (3 – 5 years). Height; 70cm – 80cm.

  • Out of Stock

    A selection of Festuca rubra, and chosen for its attractive spiky looking greenish to steely blue foliage and neat mounding habit. Occasional flowers. Can be short lived (3 – 5 years). Sunny open position. Soil not too wet. Height; 30cm – 40cm.