
Ophiopogon, or Mondo Grass, is especially valuable for dry shady places and makes slowly increasing mounds of compact leathery evergreen leaves and sporadic flowers. Slow growing and very long lived they are happy in average to dry soils in shade but will take some sun.

7 Products

  • £8.55

    A selection of black mondo grass similar to but with ‘slightly’ longer leaves than Ophiopogon Nigrescens. Forms gradually spreading clumps of striking evergreen strap-shaped black leaves all year with occasional shiny blue black berries in autumn. Sun or part shade. Soil not too wet. Height; 15cm – 25cm.

  • £8.55

    This soft purple flowered form slowly creates mats of narrow evergreen foliage that is superbly tolerant of various levels of dry shade. Long lived and very durable. Flowers produced sporadically. Happiest in some shade. Soil not to wet. Height 15cm – 25cm.

  • Out of Stock

    A distinctive tightly compact low growing form making tight mounds of short narrow evergreen leaves and very occasional pale lilac flowers. Slow but long lived. Happiest with some shade. Soil not too wet. Height; 8cm – 10cm.

  • £8.55

    The distinctive black mondo grass forms gradually spreading clumps of highly unusual evergreen strap-shaped black leaves with occasional shiny blue black berries in autumn. Slow but long lived and durable. Sun or part shade. Soil not too wet. Height; 15cm – 25cm.

  • £8.55

    Slowly spreading evergreen carpets of strap like evergreen foliage and occasional spikes of white flower followed by blue berries. Long lived and durable, it makes excellent groundcover in most levels of shade including dry, but will take some sun. Soil not too wet. Height; 15cm – 25cm.

  • £8.55

    A rather attractive, compact, relatively low growing plant that makes neat mounds of  narrow evergreen leaves and very occasional pale lilac to white flowers.  Happiest with some shade. Soil not too wet. Height; 10cm – 15cm.

    A little looser in habit than Ophiopogon japonicus Minor and more compact than Ophiopogon planiscapus, this plant has seemingly been mis identified as Ophiopogon chingii in cultivation.

  • £12.99

    Compact evergreen mounds of slowly spreading striking white and green striped leaves. Uncertain origin but very possibly a selection of Ophiopogon planiscapus. Happiest in dry shady conditions. Soil not too wet. Height 15cm – 20cm.