
Schizostylis are a group of South African plants with iris like, flat bladed leaves from which arise during later summer and autumn spikes of impressive flowers in pinks whites and reds. Needs a sunny open aspect and average to well drained soils. This is the old name for Hesperantha.

5 Products

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    Beautiful selection with stunning bright crimson scarlet flowers arising from clumps of bright green foliage during late summer onwards. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height 45cm – 65cm.

    Also known as Hesperantha Cindy Towe.

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    Forms clumps of  upright iris like foliage, from which are produced many warm salmon pink flowers during high summer onwards. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height 40cm-60cm.

    Also known as Hesperantha Fenland Daybreak.

  • £12.99

    Makes clumps of green iris like foliage from which arise spikes of attractive blush white flowers from later summer onwards. Sunny open position. Soil not too wet. Height 40cm – 60cm.

  • £12.99

    Lovely selection with striking silky rosy red flowers arising from clumps of bright green foliage during late summer onwards. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height 45cm – 65cm.

    Also known as Hesperantha Oregon Sunset.

  • £12.99

    Spikes of narrow petalled large flowers soft pink in bud and  a pale ice pink in flower. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height 40cm-60cm.

    Also known as Hesperantha Pink Princess.