Sun-baked and Dry

141 Products

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    A very lovely selection of Geranium psilostemon offering similar, and probably a little larger, bright magenta flowers on slightly more compact plants than the species. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height 70cm-90cm.

  • £13.55

    An exceptionally free flowering geranium producing large pale centred violet blue flowers almost continuously from early summer to the frosts. Prefers sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height 50cm-70cm.

  • £8.55

    Grown for its delicate, pretty looking salmon-pink barley like flowers during summer. Short lived perennial (2 – 3 years), which can re seed itself when happy. Best in sunny open well drained spot. Soil not too wet. Height; 50cm – 70cm.

  • £8.99

    Peruvian feather grass. Mounds of narrow hair like bright green foliage are topped with long shimmering silvery white panicles of flower during summer. Needs sunny well drained spot. Soil not too wet. Not for coldest areas. Height; 70cm-90cm.

    Also known as Stipa ichu.

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    Peruvian feather grass. Mounds of narrow hair like bright green foliage are topped with long shimmering silvery white panicles of flower during summer. Needs sunny well drained spot. Soil not too wet. Not for coldest areas. Height; 70cm-90cm.

    Also known as Stipa ichu.

  • £8.55

    Mounds of bright green foliage and wiry stems that are topped with deep wine red pincushion flowers during summer. Especially effective interplanted amongst airy grasses. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height 80cm – 1m.

  • £12.55

    Grown primarily for its superb sea green to waxy grey blue foliage from which arise sporadic stems of yellow & salmon red flowers in summer. Makes large clumps. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height 70cm – 90cm.

  • £8.99

    Distinctively coloured poker having tawny brown buds opening cream on bronzed stems above good clumps of green foliage. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height 1m-1.2m.

  • £12.99

    A native beach grass of coastal sand dunes making tough spreading mounds of relatively wide strap like blue grey foliage which is occasionally topped with tall wheat like flowers. Needs a sunny well drained position spot with soil not too winter wet. Height 90cm – 1.2m.

  • £8.55

    Impressive plant forming clumps of generally evergreen iris like foliage that produce beautifully delicate looking spikes of bright white flowers in early summer. Sunny well drained spot. Soil not too wet. Height 70cm-90cm

  • £12.99

    Recent relatively hardy selection of sea lavender forming rosettes of wide glaucous green leaves topped by airy branched spikes of lavender mauve flowers during summer. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height 30cm – 45cm

  • £13.99

    Basal clumps of attractive blueish grey leaves which tolerate hot dry conditions. Upright stems of lighter grey flower spikes produced in good summers. Borderline hardy, needing sunny well drained soils and not for colder areas. Height; 70cm – 1m.