Sun-baked and Dry

141 Products

  • £8.55

    Great mix of purplish/blue flowers and pink calyces produced on mounds of aniseed scented foliage make this a distinctive selection. Sunny well drained spot. Height 60cm – 80cm

  • £12.55

    A mound forming perennial allium having soft lavender mauve rounded heads of flowers arising from clumps of glaucous grey green strap like foliage during summer. Sunny open position. Soil not too wet. Height; 40cm – 60cm.

  • £12.55

    A mound forming allium having lavender purple rounded heads of flowers arising from blue ish green strap like foliage during summer. Height 30cm – 50cm

  • £12.55

    A mound forming allium having purplish rose rounded heads of flowers arising from green strap like foliage during summer. Popular with pollinators. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height 30cm – 50cm.

  • £13.55

    Native marram, or beach grass, is found mostly close to the coast where its rapidly spreading nature makes it excellent for stabilising sand dunes. Has wiry grey green foliage and sporadic strongly upright buff flowerheads. Tough plant for a tough position. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height; 80cm – 1m.

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    Vine Reed. Gradually forms imposing mounds of tough leathery evergreen foliage, from which arise tall pale stems of striking usually one sided drooping flowerheads during summer. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height; 2m – 2.4m.

  • £12.99

    Loose, gently arching clumps of foliage that can tint orange, yellow and red during the season. Masses of hazy pink flowerheads in more open and sunny positions. Excellent for dry conditions in sun or shade. Dislikes wet soils and very windy conditions. Average lifespan of between 3 – 5 years but can re seed. Height 60cm – 90cm.

    Also known as Stipa arundinacea.

  • £12.99

    Mounds of fleshy glaucous grey blue grass like leaves are topped by spikes of star like bright yellow flowers in summer. Sunny open spot. Soil not too wet. Height 80cm-1m.

  • Sale
    Original price was: £12.99.Current price is: £10.55.

    This delicate looking grass forms clumps of narrow light green foliage which can turn quite deep red autumnal colours. Masses of elegant silvery pinkish red flowers create a light and airy effect. Needs very sunny & well drained spot. Height 90cm – 1.2m.

  • £8.55

    Found on stabilised sand dunes, and often in association with other beach grasses, this native sedge has light green leaves and is distinctive for the often noticeably straight lines created by its far reaching running habit. Happiest in poor dry soils in open and sunny positions. Excellent for beach stabilisation, and can also be used as a lawn alternative under suitable conditions. Height 35cm – 45cm.

  • £8.55

    Good selection of UK native, Carex flacca, with attractive blue ish grey foliage that makes gradually spreading tight mounds of narrow pointed foliage. Occasional dainty black flowers. Good in dry and sunny, may tolerate a little light shade. Soils not too winter wet. Height; 20cm – 30cm. 

  • £8.55

    A native sedge, making gradually spreading clumps of attractive narrow glaucous blue pointed foliage. Occasional dainty black flowers. Good in dry and sunny spots. May tolerate a little light shade. Soils not too winter wet. Height; 20cm – 30cm.