Anemanthele lessoniana


Loose, gently arching clumps of foliage that can tint orange, yellow and red during the season. Masses of hazy pink flowerheads in more open and sunny positions. Excellent for dry conditions in sun or shade. Dislikes wet soils and very windy conditions. Average lifespan of between 3 – 5 years but can re seed. Height 60cm – 90cm.

Also known as Stipa arundinacea.

164 in stock

Plant Information

Pot Size


How many plants will I need?

1 – 3 Plants Per Square Metre

Planting area

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These ornamental grasses are Evergreen: Comb or rake off any old, tired or dead leaves and flowers in spring. If needed evergreens can be cut back (by up to half) at almost any time from April to July. Do not cut back in autumn or winter. This grass is comparatively short lived but older plants can be replaced by self sown seedlings.

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    This quick growing seductive grass forms clumps of soft green hair like foliage with a succession of lighter green flowers during summer. Sways with the slightest breeze. Sunny well drained position. Soil not wet. Height; 40cm – 60cm.

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