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Understated and quietly beautiful golden yellow variegated narrow leaves slowly create slightly pendulous mounds of long lived refined evergreen foliage. Especially good for damp and shady spots where it can make dense groundcover. Average to moist soil. Best out of strong sun. Height 30cm – 40cm.
Understated and quietly beautiful golden yellow variegated narrow leaves slowly create slightly pendulous mounds of long lived refined evergreen foliage. Especially good for damp and shady spots where it can make dense groundcover. Average to moist soil. Best out of strong sun. Height 30cm – 40cm.
Loose, gently arching clumps of foliage that can tint orange, yellow and red during the season. Masses of hazy pink flowerheads in more open and sunny positions. Excellent for dry conditions in sun or shade. Dislikes wet soils and very windy conditions. Average lifespan of between 3 – 5 years but can re seed. Height 60cm – 90cm.
Also known as Stipa arundinacea.
Found on stabilised sand dunes, and often in association with other beach grasses, this native sedge has light green leaves and is distinctive for the often noticeably straight lines created by its far reaching running habit. Happiest in poor dry soils in open and sunny positions. Excellent for beach stabilisation, and can also be used as a lawn alternative under suitable conditions. Height 35cm – 45cm.
A rather lovely, durable and adaptable native sedge with dark green leaves that forms gracefully drooping mounds of invaluable more or less evergreen foliage. Small soft yellow flowers in spring. Happy in some sun or shady positions. Tolerates most soils except very dry in sun. Height; 35cm – 50cm.
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£12.99Bowles golden sedge. A rather beautiful and durable selection of a UK native plant whose foliage is especially vibrant in the spring. Forms graceful clumps of bright yellow gold and green striped foliage that is topped with attractive spring time flowers. Avoid hot dry positions. Best in average to damp soils. Can be grown as a pond marginal. Height; 55cm – 75cm.