
Plants that will grow in boggy, watery and marginal conditions in sunny open positions.

5 Products

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    Bowles golden sedge. A rather beautiful and durable selection of a UK native plant whose foliage is especially vibrant in the spring. Forms graceful clumps of bright yellow gold and green striped foliage that is topped with attractive spring time flowers. Avoid hot dry positions. Best in average to damp soils. Can be grown as a pond marginal. Height; 55cm – 75cm.

  • £8.55

    Greater Tussock Sedge. A native of the UK and Europe this sedge forms large mounds of attractive gently pendulous green foliage, and as they mature gradually form a distinctive central trunk. Will grow in a range of soil types and from occasional damp to waters edge. Happiest in open conditions it may tolerate some light shade. Height; 1.2 – 1.5m.

  • £12.99

    Native sedge which can form dense clumps of tough dark green pendulous foliage. Tall graceful flowering stems with drooping yellow catkin like flowers. Sun, shade, wet or dry. Great for tough conditions but can re-seed vigorously. Height; 1.2m – 1.5m (up to 1.8m in flower in good soils).

  • £12.55

    A long established and very beautiful selection of Iris x robusta that forms clumps of green leaved which are distinctively purple stained at the base during spring. Dainty spikes of complex blue toned flowers are produced during early summer. Best in sunny open spot. Happy in average to heavy and wet soils, and will grow as a pond side marginal. Height 70cm – 90cm.

    Harmful if eaten.

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    Selected form of Juncus patens forming gradually spreading clumps of greyish blue upright stems and typical brown rush like insignificant flowers. Best foliage colour in sun. Happy in damp to wet soils but will tolerate reasonably dry. Height; 40cm – 50cm.