
Carex, the Sedges, are a large group of widely varying species and include several that are native to the U.K. Frequently grown for their attractive leaves, this group offers various qualities such as foliage colour, sun or shade loving, and tolerant of very dry or very wet conditions.

29 Products

  • £7.99

    Found on stabilised sand dunes, and often in association with other beach grasses, this native sedge has light green leaves and is distinctive for the often noticeably straight lines created by its far reaching running habit. Happiest in poor dry soils in open and sunny positions. Excellent for beach stabilisation, and can also be used as a lawn alternative under suitable conditions. Height 35cm – 45cm.

  • £7.99

    Good selection of UK native, Carex flacca, with attractive blue ish grey foliage that makes gradually spreading tight mounds of narrow pointed foliage. Occasional dainty black flowers. Good in dry and sunny, may tolerate a little light shade. Soils not too winter wet. Height; 20cm – 30cm. 

  • £7.99

    One of the better ‘brown’ sedges, whose slightly pendulous foliage is coloured in many shades of darker greens and olive. Dark, almost black, semi pendulous rounded flowerheads are produced during summer. Best in sun or a little light shade. Soils not too winter wet. Height 40cm – 50cm.

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    A rather lovely, durable and adaptable native sedge with dark green leaves that forms gracefully drooping mounds of invaluable more or less evergreen foliage. Small soft yellow flowers in spring. Happy in some sun or shady positions. Tolerates most soils except very dry in sun. Height; 35cm – 50cm.

  • £12.55

    Bowles golden sedge. A rather beautiful and durable selection of a UK native plant whose foliage is especially vibrant in the spring. Forms graceful clumps of bright yellow gold and green striped foliage that is topped with attractive spring time flowers. Avoid hot dry positions. Best in average to damp soils. Can be grown as a pond marginal. Height; 55cm – 75cm.

  • £7.99

    Subtly attractive creamy yellow and green striped foliage which gradually creates tough and long lived rounded mounds of evergreen foliage. Happy in open and sunny positions or some shade. Soil not too wet. Height; 30cm – 50cm.

  • £12.55

    A distinctive selection of clump forming sedge, having pronounced dark green and white stripes that are at their brightest and most effective in areas with some shade. Foliage may bleach with too much sunshine. Most soils except too winter wet. Good in pots and containers. Height; 30cm – 50cm.

  • £12.55

    Mounds of green centrally striped foliage with orange tinted creamy margins from autumn through winter and fading to a lighter creamy yellow variegation during spring and summer. Sun or part shade. Soil not too winter wet. Height; 30cm – 50cm.

  • £7.99

    Long established and very effective, eye catching sedge forming mounds of light gold to creamy white and green variegated foliage spiralling out from the centre of the plant. Happy in light shade or some sun. Soil not too wet. Height; 30cm – 50cm.

  • £12.55

    Long established and very effective, eye catching sedge forming mounds of light gold to creamy white and green variegated foliage spiralling out from the centre of the plant. Happy in light shade or some sun. Soil not too wet. Height; 30cm – 50cm.

  • £12.55

    A distinctive selection that produces mounds of lime green to yellow foliage that gradually deepens to golden yellow as the season progresses. Best colour in light shade and may dislike too hot and dry a position. Soil not too dry. Height; 30cm – 50cm.

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    Subtly variegated limey yellow and green striped foliage gradually create understated and quietly attractive rounded mounds of evergreen foliage. Best in a level of shade or some sun. Foliage may bleach in hot sunshine. Soil not too winter wet. Height; 30cm – 50cm.